How many times did jesus weep
The Bible records two times when the Lord publically cried and at least one time he likely did so. This study will also briefly delve into the topic of Jesus' tears shed in private. The shortest verse in the entirety of Scripture is where we find it first recorded that Jesus publically cried. Lazarus had been dead for four days when he and his disciples came near his burial location John , After witnessing the tears of Mary and Martha, Lazarus' sisters, and those of some Jews who also mourned, he asked where the body was buried verses 21 - It was during his travel to Lazarus' tomb that the Lord openly wept John What motivated Jesus to cry near Lazarus' tomb?
He did not cry because he could not arrive in time to heal him, as he knowingly chose to travel where Lazarus lived after he passed away John , 11 - The Lord also did not shed tears wondering what he would do next or whether he had the divine authority to restore life. Jesus knew God's will was to resurrect Lazarus John , 11 - He had also displayed his authority over life when he resurrected, earlier in his ministry, two others Luke - 18, - The Lord cried in sympathy to the grief his close friends felt at a loss they could not, of themselves, reverse or rectify.
He also shed tears, however, due to the faithlessness of the mourners. In other words, prayer should encompass our entire being, even praying with our emotions, allowing God into every aspect of our lives. Carl Bloch Public Domain. There are only three distinct occasions of divine tears recorded in the New Testament.
How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! But now they are hid from your eyes. In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard for his godly fear. Hebrews Recorded in the letter to the Hebrews, in this case tears are tied up to authentic prayer that is heard by God. Tags: Bible Jesus. Support Aleteia!
They knew Jesus personally and knew of the miracles He could perform. Healing the sick and giving sight to the blind. Surely He would raise their brother from the dead. As the days passed the sisters lost hope. Jesus had not come soon enough. Reality set in that their brother was gone and there was nothing anyone could do about it — not even Jesus.
At this point, people had gathered with Mary and Martha as they mourned the loss of their brother. When Jesus heard their words and saw the sadness of the people around Him, the Bible tells us He became very moved and wept. The two-word verse highlights the fact that the writer wants us to pause here for a moment. This weeping was not something to gloss over or ignore. It was intentional and packed with meaning. So why the weeping?
Here are three reasons why Jesus wept :. He saw the suffering of the people and the pain death causes. Jesus deeply cared about Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Although He already knows this happened to glorify God and that in a few minutes Lazarus would return to them, He felt their pain.
He was empathetic to their loss. When you genuinely care about someone, when they hurt, you hurt. Like a good Father, He does not want to see us in pain, even if He knows that pain will lead to a greater good. She is a gifted poet with a heart to help others. Out of the truth that was shared the Lord gave her a beautiful poem to express the message.
I asked if I could pass it along to others and she has graciously allowed me to share it here. I hope that it will encourage you to see the tenderness of Christ and to ask the Lord to fill your heart with His own love for others…. John 1 vs 2- 4. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. All areas of life require it, and we are called to make Christ the Authority of our lives.