How does utorrent decide what to seed

I often download a bunch of torrents at once. They complete the download and get queued for seeding to up the ratio. Is there a way to influence which torrent is gonna be seeded next after the next one finishes?

You can't order them like torrents queued for downloading. You cant yet, i hope decide on your own which one goes first.

I believe uTorrent now prefers to seed torrents with 0 seeds first, and then by the lowest ratio first. Next, once those seedless. How long do you seed? Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Jaydee81 Posted February 19, Posted February 19, I just can't keep seeding Terrabytes so I need to select somehow Thanks for all suggestions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Switeck Posted February 19, Posted February 20, I suppose everyone probably has their own personal strategy, when it comes to seeding.

I have some questions for you guys too Ultima Posted February 21, Posted February 21, Falcon4 Posted February 21, If your understanding was right, then utorrent might as well remove all torrents automatically that reach their target ratio, no?

I put my question another way: does my utorrent decide what few torrents it wants to serve up to the world at any one time and then wait for peer replies saying "yeah, I have some of that - thank you very much"; OR does my utorrent not go to tracker sites on startup , saying "gee guys, I have got all this good stuff - let me know if you want some", is then bombarded by incoming peer requests for any of the stuff and chooses to accept or deny these requests according to some ruleset I don't fully comprehend?

In that case, if a leecher would like to download a torrent for which I am the only complete seed left but my seed has long reached its target ratio, then my utorrent will not bother actively seeding it, right? So how are that leecher and I ever going to meet? My utorrent receives this request and, based on some algorithm that assigns torrents to available connections, decides to accept or reject the request.

His expectation is to get it, but no further expectation to receive any other pieces of that file from that IP exist. Piece requests don't happen through the tracker. A leecher reports itself as such to the tracker at this stage. Again, wrong. If the torrent is not in the "Seeding" state, any connection request will be rejected. That's what this thread is all about. Unfortunately, whilst you picked and chose individual bits of my guess work that struck you as wrong, you did not reciprocate by giving a correct, full picture.

I shall have to do some more guess work, based on your reply:. You are entirely forgiven, DreadWingKnight, for not having read what went before. But there are a couple of questions prompted by my recent engagement with a private tracker that remain unanswered:. In general, how does the scheduling algorithm in utorrent work? Can I tweak it? How, in other words, can the seed count ever recover. I see. That's useful to know. So I would be supporting the community more effectively by specifying the lowest possible ratio acceptable to the most demanding private tracker?

For a faster download, avoid downloading multiple files at a go. In case a single torrent file is slower compared to the rest, pause the others and then continue once the download pace fastens. A seed is a person who has a complete file and uploads the file for other users to finish downloading the file. The seed is also a term used to refer to the machine that has some part of a file. One becomes a seed as soon as they begin to upload a file for other users to download.

On the other hand, a leech is a user who does not have the complete file; hence, they cannot share any part of the particular file. This, therefore, means that one can download a file faster when the seeders are more.

Conversely, one can hardly find any file to download when the leechers are more than the seeders. I hope that the next time you come across the term torrent, you are no longer going to be in the dark. Help others understand torrents by sharing this information with them.


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