How does prometheus die

At a warehouse, Sam and Dean summon and trap Zeus and ask him to break the curse on Oliver. Zeus only agrees to do it if they break the trap and tricks Hayley into breaking it.

Instead of breaking the curse, Zeus stuns Prometheus, Sam and Dean with a blast of electricity and revels in the fact that Prometheus has a child afflicted by the same curse as him.

Zeus plans to have Prometheus suffer through his son's death forever and feel that pain as a greater form of revenge. Zeus summons Artemis who stops Sam and Dean from killing him and has her take them away while he tortures Prometheus. After beating up and blasting Prometheus repeatedly, Zeus prepares to kill Oliver in front of Prometheus, but Artemis intervenes and demands Zeus release everyone.

When he refuses, Artemis shoots an arrow capable of killing Zeus at him, but he pulls Prometheus in front of the arrow, mortally wounding him. As Zeus taunts him about enjoying watching Prometheus die over and over and planning to chain Oliver to the mountain to take his place, Prometheus pushes the arrow through himself and into Zeus, killing him in a blast of electricity. Prometheus dies permanently and Artemis mourns his death briefly before leaving with Zeus ' body.

Prometheus' sacrifice breaks the curse on Oliver who is now free to live a normal life. Sam and Dean take his body into the woods and give him a Hunter's Funeral. Prometheus is a Titan and considered a cultural hero in Greek mythology. He is credited for the creation of man from clay, and enabling the progress of civilization by stealing fire from Mount Olympus for the benefit of humanity.

Because of his transgression the god Zeus punished Prometheus to an eternity of torment, where he would be bound to a rock and each day Zeus's eagle Aquila would come and eat his liver. In some versions of the story, Heracles , the half-mortal son of Zeus, is the one who kills the eagle and frees Prometheus from his prison. Prometheus was bound to a rock, and an eagle—the emblem of Zeus—was sent to eat his liver in ancient Greece, the liver was often thought to be the seat of human emotions.

His liver would then grow back overnight, only to be eaten again the next day in an ongoing cycle. Prometheus was eventually freed by the hero Heracles. In another myth, Prometheus establishes the form of animal sacrifice practiced in ancient Greek religion.

Supernatural Wiki Explore. Season 6 Season 7. Season 8 Season 9 Season 10 Season Season 12 Season 13 Season 14 Season Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Prometheus' Curse. Edit source History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Nyssa al Ghul won her showdown with her sister , and Quentin gave Dinah the assist in taking down Black Siren.

Talia al Ghul and Black Siren were last seen injured and unconscious in the temple, which presumably blew up with the rest of the island shortly thereafter. Both ladies could well be dead, although Talia is a big character to kill off after one season and Katie Cassidy will be back in Season 6.

Then, there's Evelyn Sharp. Team Arrow and Slade captured her pretty quickly after Talia abandoned her, and she was locked in a cage. Oliver did promise to go back for her, but he was otherwise occupied with Prometheus when everybody was trying to make their escape, and she wasn't spotted escaping the island prior to the explosion.

If she was still in her cage when Prometheus activated the explosives, she has to be dead. If not While leading Felicity, Thea, and Co.

Unwilling to let his daughter be blown apart by a land mine, Malcolm knocked Thea aside and took her place. The good guys had to run when Captain Boomerang and a handful of Talia's minions showed up. Malcolm Merlyn had one last murderous act in him, as he let Captain Boomerang get close All things considered, most of Talia's minions probably died by the end of "Lian Yu" with the explosion of the island.

Oliver knocked him out and left him on the floor of the ARGUS prison, where he probably was still stuck when the explosives all over the island went off. You did your best. Given that we didn't actually see these characters die, however, we can't be absolutely positive that they're gone. Prometheus really had the entire scenario on Lian Yu planned out, from recruiting Captain Boomerang to stashing William on an escape boat where he would confront Oliver for the last time.

After a brutal and awesome fight, Prometheus gave Oliver a terrible choice: he could kill Prometheus, which would save William but activate the dead switch that would set off all the explosives and hypothetically kill all of Oliver's loved ones other than William. Alternately, he could let Prometheus kill William to spare his friends. Oliver had already declared that he wouldn't give in and kill Prometheus, but it seemed there was no option that didn't involve Prometheus getting the win somehow.


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