How does 20q read your mind
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Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Start of add to list layer. Sign in for more lists. Details about NEW! FREE Shipping! Patti Saitow, vice president for global marketing services for Radica Games Limited, approached Burgener in about turning the site into a handheld game, and in , the little device was born.
The company increased its production tenfold, but stores still were selling out of the games left and right. At our shindig, it correctly guessed golf club, camera, coffeemaker, football, newspaper, giraffe and apple in 20 questions. We stumped it with necklace, for which it guessed bracelet and then, after five more questions, ring. We tried five different times to get it to guess baby we have a lot of pregnant friends and it guessed womb close!
Which got me thinking. Imagine the face this thing could help save if employed at the right moments!